Family & Kids
Online Live Events
Wednesday, August 23, 2023
5:30 pm
7:00 pm
Beirut/Lebanon Time
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Child Abuse in Lebanon: Current Situation & Prevention - Free Online Interactive Discussion by I Have Learned Academy in Collaboration with the German Foundation: KAS -Konrad-Adenauer-Stiftung Lebanon office
Child abuse
Child abuse is a critical issue that has long been neglected in Lebanon. A study conducted showed that 1 out of 6 children in Lebanon is a victim of sexual abuse. This refers to only 1 out of 4 types of abuse a child can be exposed to: physical, psychological, sexual, and neglect.
In this discussion we will state some of the cases that happened in Lebanon and how to prevent child abuse and act when any similar case happens.
Join this panel with 3 specialists to check what is the current situation and measures of preventions.
Speakers Bio
Rose Habchi Daher
Occupational therapist and Psychotherapist, more than 20 years of experience in the humanitarian field including expertise in the field of sexual & reproductive health, group therapy through arts with children and caregivers and expertise accompanying youth on autonomy and independence.
At the national level, Resilience Program Manager at himaya- Lebanon managing since 2017 a team of 60 professionals from different fields working in favor of child protection and child best interest, trainer on the standard operating procedures of protection in Lebanon, trainer on the “ Lifebook” for youth.
At the cross border level, Case worker coordinator for Lebanon at the International Social Services (ISS) since 2018 and the ISS Case workers Coordinators deputy Chair since 2020.
Riham Monzer
Child psychologist specialized in parental guidance and university instructor. Holding a master’s degree with distinction in Clinical Psychology from the Lebanese University with a master’s thesis with the title “SandPlay Therapy As A Therapeutic Mediation And Its Effect On Abused Children.”
For the past twelve years, Riham has been working as a child psychologist and parental guidance expert in supporting children with psychological, emotional, and behavioral difficulties. She attended several national and international training workshops and sessions related to the world of children. She had the pleasure of presenting more than 100 lectures, training sessions, workshops, and webinars for parents, teachers, specialists, and caregivers. She believes that every child is unique and deserves to be raised properly and enjoy a happy and trauma-free childhood. That’s why she dedicated her career to help parents by giving them practical strategies, tips, and action plans to use during challenging moments so they can effectively manage their children's undesired behaviors and their relationships with them! In her 12+ years of experience, she concluded that effective Parenting is a set of skills that parents should learn; it’s not something that comes naturally and instinctually. The essence of her work relies on training parents to improve their communication skills with their children and minimize conflicts and meltdowns while simultaneously preventing children from having any short or long-term psychological effects.
Zeina Noun Chaccour
Psychologist and Psychotherapist.
Member of the Lebanese Syndicate of Psychologists.
Member of l'association Francaise d'APO.
15 years of experience in Clinic with mental and physical handicaps.
Tickets are free, but booking is a must!
Places are limited, book here:
This session will be online from the comfort of your home.
This session is part of the Free Online Series Program done by I Have Learned Academy in collaboration with KAS: "Thoughts & Talks for a Better Lebanon"
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