Healing your Inner Child - Workshop at I Have Learned Academy

Self-Development & Psychology


Physical Live Events

I Have Learned Academy, Highway of Mirna Chalouhi (Bauchrieh - Sin El Fil , Street nbr 2 - Bldg 1140, Bloc B - 5th floor, Beirut, Lebanon

Monday, September 2, 2019


5:30 pm


9:00 pm

Beirut/Lebanon Time

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Event details

Healing your Inner Child - Workshop at I Have Learned Academy

Learn to heal your wounds since you were conceived to heal them and not carry them inside you as an adult.

When a mother is pregnant, she is exposed to psychological or physical situations or from her surrounding environment. Modern science and fetal and child psychology have proven that the fetus is affected by these situations.

This effect forms a large part of the child's mental and organic state later on in life. It also affects his personality and the way he deals with others.

In this session we will learn:
- What are the things that may be exposed to the mother and transferred to the fetus.
- What are their effects later on the child.
- What are the effects on him after puberty.
- How to deal with them and get rid of them.

We will also go thru a process to clean up the traumas we have experienced since we were in the wombs of our mothers.

Also clean our bodies of their effects so as not to be reflected later and this will lead to improvement in our lives and our relationships

عندما تكون الأم حامل بجنينها تتعرض لمواقف نفسية او عضوية او من البيئة المحيطة، وللأب دور كبير في هذا أيضا. وأثبت العلم الحديث وعلم نفس الجنين والطفل أن الجنين يتأثر بهذه المواقف.

هذا التأثير يشكل جزءاً كبيراً من الحالة النفسية والعضوية للطفل لاحقاً. كما يؤثر في شخصيته وطريقة تعامله مع المحيط والآخرين.

في هذه الجلسة سوف نتعرف على:
- ما هي الأشياء التي قد تتعرض لها الأم وتنقلها للجنين.
- ما هي تأثيراتها لاحقا على الطفل.
- ما هي تأثيراتها عليه بعد البلوغ.
- كيفية التعامل معها والتخلص منها.

سوف نقوم أيضا بعمل جلسة لتنظيف أثار الصدمات التي تعرضنا لها منذ كنا في أرحام أمهاتنا.

ايضا تنظيف أجسامنا من تأثيراتها حتى لا تنعكس لاحقا وهذا سيؤدي بالتالي إلى تحسن في حياتنا وعلاقاتنا

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